RaceMob - Running Together Podcast

RaceMob November Update - Challenges, Lessons, Races and Community Shout Outs

Kevin Chang, Bertrand Newson Episode 74

#74  -  Hello RaceMob crew! We've got another update episode this time around. 

It's been a little while since we've updated the crew and we know that a ton has been happening behind the scenes. Let's catch up.

In this episode, we'll talk about the LA marathon, some personal challenges, our first marathon experiences, and lessons we picked up along the way.

And we have some shout outs too!

Kevin Chang:

The final distance, it really is, it is difficult and it's difficult to do without having a coach or having a community or having people to bounce ideas off of the more that we can help people with their first marathon, that first distance in, and even, you know, the shorter distances, the more we can provide some coaching advice for those first timers, I think the better. So that's fantastic.

Bertrand Newson:

As much as we're talking about big city marathons, LA marathon, people were just running Chicago. This past Sunday was the New York marathon. There are a lot of smaller events that are super cool that are happening or in their inaugural stage, like the Santa Barbara half marathon, our friends at run local.

Kevin Chang:

Hello and welcome to the RaceMob podcast. This is episode number 74. I'm Kevin entrepreneur technology and fitness nerd. And I'm joined by the head coach of RaceMob and master motivator, the incomparable Bertrand Newson. All right. Hey, Hey. Hey Coach."B". We've got another uh, update episode this time around. It's been a little while since we've updated the crew and we know that a ton has been happening behind the scenes. Let's catch up. Let's catch up. I know, I know you just went over to LA this last weekend. I want to hear the stories, man. I want to see her.

Bertrand Newson:

LA never, ever disappoint. So for me, it was a LA marathon number four, and it felt as good as the first time down there. Met some team members down, drove down with two other teammates, road trips are always fun. It's one thing to fly down, but another thing to drive down to Southern California and we had funded. You know, we're big San Francisco giants fans, which means we have a bit of a gripe with the Dodgers. Ironically, the expo was that Dodger stadium. Wow. And the race actually started there. So we got to the expo on Saturday. Nice weather, easy to get to for the most part, had a nice drive, got an early start on Saturday morning pulled up. I think just around. Noonish or so, and spent about two hours onsite at the expo? Well done. It was a Asics sponsored race. So a lot of Asics gear up there. A lot of happy race participants and lots of photos good music, DJ playing, and got everybody amped up in preparation for the race to follow in day. Checking into a very nice hotel in the Beverly Hills area that just happened to be less than two miles from the finish. So, wow. I got lucky one of my former colleagues was able to get us a hotel, a hotel accommodations, getting close to the finish, which was a new finishing area. Historically the LA marathon started at Dodger stadium and finished at Santa Monica. Santa Monica pier. It was called let's see, stadium to the sea. It's no longer named that. It's now stadium to the stars because it finished at the avenue and the stars and century city outside of Beverly Hills. So for a lot of people who had done that race historically they love the fact that it finished at the ocean because a lot of participants when they crossed the finish line, Take your shoes off, take their socks off and jumping into this Pacific ocean as a informal ice bath, not an ice bath, but it's a nice way to kind of celebrate cool pitcher opportunity and to cool down the body after 26.2 miles. I thought that finish different. Some people didn't like the out and back portion. Can you at mile 22 and a half you circle back. So you run against the grain that you were coming up and then the finish was a slight uphill. I like, I like being. So run in a live event, which is, you know, one of the themes of our, our episode tonight nothing like the real thing. We had a ton of virtual events which we'll be talking about some in future episodes. We're big supporters of them, but now that things are starting to settle down or getting back to our routines and being able to train and put that training to the test in a live event, man, there is nothing like. Up early on race day, morning, Sunday. think the alarm went off right around 3 45, 4:00 AM. Took a shuttle bus down to Dodger stadium about a 30 minute ride and then had about an hour or so of wait time. You know, it was fine. Took a throw away layer, kept cool. Everyone took care of the bathroom business. We had about seven people with us. One person actually lived in Southern California, Jessica Patel. And then we all started off together about the first mile. It was Michelle Torres. It was her very first. Marathons. Wow. Wow. I want to kind of pick your brain and you the same on our very first marathon experience, because being able to see that. Her eyes knowing she had trained for probably the last year or so, and to see the anticipation, some anxiety, but knowing that, Hey, if I just keep moving forward and again, you know, hydration, nutrition, all that other good stuff. But to see the level of excitement and a sense of accomplishment when she crossed that finish line priceless, and we were there at one. A lot of our listeners were there at one point. So think back, maybe it wasn't a marathon. Maybe it was your very first race, your very first half marathon. And then again, that iconic distance, 26.2 miles. And no matter how experienced you are. I think we had over 200 plus marathons completed between the group that I ran with. So a lot of experienced runners, we all had a little bit of adversity on that course. That was about a thousand feet of elevation gain. And one of our RaceMob community members and clients, Nicole, who had participated in the Boston marathon less than a month ago, completed LA. And she said, you know what, Coach. LA marathon had more elevation gain than Boston, and it was a harder race than Boston and for her she had a nasty cold, so she still towed the line and managed to finish under four hours. 3 43 57. Wow. Wow. All in all. What was your first marathon? Like? Yeah. What if you could, if you could speak to your younger self, what would be some things, man that you would you know, woulda, coulda shoulda moments?

Kevin Chang:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, my first marathon was rock and roll. So it was one of these that we traveled out you know, stayed at the hotel. I don't know if that hotel is still around, but it's one of these hotels. It's not actually a casino. You know, I did not go out the night before. A lot of my friends were in town. They went on. For did not go out the night before. Yeah, I, I made the bad mistake of taking Newson next. Cause I had a little cough, not much of a cough, but just a little cough. The, the day of me the night before I took some use next and man, it just dried my whole system out. So ended up cramping and add the. Second half of a marathon ever. You know, I was really trying for a three-thirty marathon. I think I had been training for three 30 thought that I had it in me you know, was on great pace kind of through the first half of that marathon and then just wheels fell off. So advice to you first-timers is, is really, you know, both and I thought I pulled back enough. I probably had had trained enough for it, but. Don't don't do anything on race day that you haven't trained for going up into the event. So you know, I think that that would be the advice, but man, it sounds amazing to have LA marathon. So w what did you think about the new finish better or worse than, than the old one? Do you wish that they kept the

Bertrand Newson:

Let's see here, I'm a little mixed on it because as beautiful, because it was super scenic and there was a gradual downhill, the new finishes. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but it's not a downhill finished. There are parts in the last 5k where you were certainly where gravity is working for you. So the last 10 K it's kind of a mixed bag. You're going up and you're going down. There's a turning one point. Right. Just before a mile 23. And in your working, working your way back to century city, and there's probably maybe a football field length of a gradual incline. So not the end of the world. What I did not like about the C portion when we finished in Santa Monica, It was so incredibly congested with traffic and a bottleneck of spectators. We love the spectators, but they could never ever see their loved ones, finished the race because they're pushed so far back in the finishing shoot. And then once you're done as a participant, you're walking a mile mile and a half just to try to get out, you can never get a taxi or. It was just it, and it was typically in March when that event usually happens and it is coming back to March 20, 22. It was hot and it would just took forever to get out. And if people said, well, let me, let me go ahead and make reservations and stay in Santa Monica. You're paying through the nose, you know, four or $500 a night. So The new location. It didn't bother me as much. I'm sure there are some, some participants that wish they were still in Santa Monica, but I felt it was easy to get in, easy to get out, hopping on the shuttle in the morning and getting the Dodger stadium very seamless. I thought the organizers were this, the volunteer super friendly. I think the timeliness of aid stations was very good. They only had one that I noticed table that had jails torn on the second half of the race for some people that wasn't sufficient hinting. Yeah. Bring it up jails for yourself, but it'd be nice if they have maybe added another table or two and They were port-a-potties that were not unlocked. So you had runners along the forest on the front half and. I have to say it, they were pissed, but yeah, I mean that can make or break someone's race. If you're running for a PR, if you're wanting to be BQ or just from a psychological standpoint or physic physical, you are, you, you were looking to relieve yourself and you finally come upon a bathroom and those suckers are locked. It can mess with you. So you know, we took a break in the first mile and a half. And those bathrooms were unlocked, but we saw two stations when people were not happy. Eventually race organizers got contacted and they came back and later in the race. So the people who were a little bit further back in the pack didn't have that issue, but I'm sure thousands of people noticed that. So, but overall it was beautiful. Lots of happy runners. I will certainly be back in the future. Probably not in 2022. But certainly I will be back and I will, I will highly recommend that event because. More than anything for west coast marathon. I believe it is the best spectator energy on a west and maybe in the Western United States, in my opinion. Oh, Chicago. Fantastic. From what I've heard of loss New York and Boston, those are just a different level up, but from an, all the marathons. LA is only second for my experience to Chicago, so. Wow.

Kevin Chang:

Yeah. Yep. And how was the crowd this time? How was, I mean, how many, how many participants were there? Hello? What'd it look like? I mean,

Bertrand Newson:

at least I would guess half of let's see, cause this race did happen last year. It was the last west coast. What was the last minute? Major actually, yes. So it was the Atlanta marathon that happened in 2020, the Olympic trials in late February. And then it was a week later that the LA marathon happened probably half the amount of participants. I think just under 9,000, which in, in past years, it's had 15, 20, 25, so definitely down, but it was hard to see that because the way the corrals look. It looked like there was a ton of people out there. And I think I finished running around like 4 28 from start to finish. There were participants. I mean, I never felt like the crowd had thinned out. So you had a lot of fellow runners to your left, to your right in front and in back. And it seems. We all left the corral and we're running the same pace. You know, there was a lot of shuffling, but you never felt that you were out there kind of on an island by yourself. That even happens in San Francisco where you can, it can be you and three or four other runners for certain stretches. That was not the case in LA. And the crowds were fantastic. Giving out beer. I didn't have red vines. Yes. I did have some red vines fresh Lemons orange slices. So, and just rooting for you. I mean, from, from start to finish, you felt that the crowd definitely was able to positively impact your performance and we needed those pick me ups. And for those back of the Packers I mean hats off and where the crowd and good DJs out there. Good live music and good DJ. So that really makes a difference. So LA I mean, hats off. Yes. And I don't know exactly why they may have changed the course. And again, this is the last 5k for the most part. Otherwise the course is intact and starting from Dodger stadium was pretty cool. But as several returning LA marathon participants notice that course, as I mentioned earlier, it has Hills and certainly train on Hills. So you're prepared for that because if you don't expect that it can get the best of you physical. And mentally because they are unrelenting, they are, you don't get extended stretches where you're running downhill or you're running flat.

Kevin Chang:

And how was you said you had a first timer that came out there, Michelle. So how was her experience? What, what did she say? Any, any wheels falling off any first timer, mistakes.

Bertrand Newson:

One, she ran woman, her partner, Randy has completed over 30 marathons, so she could not have a better. Training buddy partner, someone able to give her as much advanced notice and what she did more than anything. Casey, she put in the. She truly put in the work she put in the training. I think her longest run was 18 or 20 miles thereabouts. And I think she learned the importance of taking gels on the course. Not going out too fast. I think if she were to do anything a little differently, maybe would have slowed down a little bit in the beginning. And that happens to, again, we talk about that, the importance of having a race strategy, a pacing strategy even split negative split, positive split. And if we tend to go out a little fast over that distance, we wish we would've had some of that. And I'm speaking for myself, you know? And once she got up, she said mile 20, she said, oh yeah, the wills wills were wills are rocking. And it was a matter of. Settling in, in one mile at a time and where she felt that the crowd helped lift her spirits and that every step for her was a distance PR and you know, a year and a half, two years ago, three years ago, she never, ever, ever. That she would be a runner on this level and call herself a marathon. We're incredibly small percentage of people who are walking this earth can say I'm a marathoner that superseded everything. And we all have some life adversity. She had some of that lost her husband a couple of years. So this, the level of support her children and her partner and friends when her phone was blowing up throughout the whole course and her partner, Randy was reading her text messages with help lift her spirit especially from her children. So could not be happier and to see the joy and sense of accomplishment. Then she wore that metal proud all day long. I'm sure she wore it on the plane. Getting back to the bear. So congratulations, Michelle

Kevin Chang:

Torres as incredible. Yeah. Yeah. And, and that's part of why we do what we do is because, you know, the first time either of us ran a marathon, well, I know for me, I didn't really have that support group. I didn't have so many people out there to, to cheer me on and help me along the way. And, you know, guide me along the way and helped me, you know, avoid some of the mistakes that I probably made. Especially during training and during early on. And then, you know, just to see somebody. Face light up when they get across that first finish line, just to see the sense of accomplishment, you know, just to be there for them along the way. I mean, I think that is just an incredible, incredible experience, so kudos to you and, and that whole crew for being out there. And thank you. Yeah. And I know that we didn't get to your first marathon story. So I wanted to circle back. What was your, what was your first marathon coach before we get off the hook

Bertrand Newson:

slide on out of this? Um, You know, Let's see here. I probably first could have trained a little bit more, but I was actually going into that event, which was 2012 San Francisco marathon. Two weeks thousand and 12 San Francisco marathon. Two weeks after my. Very first tough Mudder. So it had a little bit of confidence, Cisco marathon, you know,

Kevin Chang:

how long was the tough Mudder event? Letter

Bertrand Newson:

was just about a half marathon or so. So with all that stuff with all the thousand feet of elevation you know, once I got through that with some friends, Chris Smith, who was on our, our podcast and my brother and a couple of individuals, it was great. I felt on top of the world world. So I tackled the SF marathon with a bit of confidence, maybe over confidence because that never ran more than 16 miles. Prior to, you know towing the line for my first 26.2 mile. And I think the biggest mistake I made, maybe it was less about the training, which is very important. I mean, I'm a running coach now. So I realized the importance of long runs and rest and hydration and nutrition and proper gear and, and test driving your nutrition during the training. I did none of that. But I do not recommend buying a new pair of shoes. The day before the race based on how. Not based on how they feel because they look cool and they, with, with my outfit, a rookie move and not did I just buy them the day before? Based on looks only they were a half size smaller. And I shouldn't be, so it was a snug fit. And at first, like, okay, they, they fit. But as I got to the halfway point, oh my goodness. My feet were on fire and I paid the price for it. But it, again It didn't stop me. It didn't deter me. You know, it was still one foot in front of the other. I knew that one way or another, I was going to finish and that I would make it under the cutoff, which I believe was six hours. And I did, I think I came in somewhere around five 16, very proud of that. I was working in San Francisco at the time, my brother and daughter and, and, and I couldn't be any happier. And I knew at that point at that distance, I mean, that was in my early, early forties. And I mean, I never thought that I would be a marathon or no, we were talking about that early in our episode with Michelle Torres and she felt the same way you probably did at some point when you were reawakening your inner athlete and like, ah, you know, maybe we'll do a 5k 10 K running with your pup. And then when you said, you know what, I want to train for the distance and go for it. But to, you know, once you cross that finish. All the hard work, all the sacrifices, all the memories, it flashes in front of you. And it just makes the, that, that sense of the metal being put around your neck even sweeter. And I think no other marathon really after that, unless you're, you know, you're, you're running around the world or you're running with friends or family, you know, the ball of the Boston qualifying marathon or making your way to marathon, to, to Boston or to New York. Those are very special moments. I mean, even my first. Participating in the Marine Corps marathon back at our nation's capital you know, going through all the historic landmarks and then seeing people who served in action, who were injured in combat you know, amputees again, it just gives you a greater sense of appreciation and never take your health. For for granted. I mean, it's been, well, we'll spoken about that. I broke my foot earlier this year and was out for about three months. So when your cardio fitness is being, you know, kind of taken away from you, you have to modify and pivot. Again, you, it just makes you appreciate the opportunity to run. In general. So yeah, and I've had some other moments in regards to marathons, but you know, we'll focus on the first the first marathon and I hope I have a couple of couple more before I hang up, hang up the, the running.

Kevin Chang:

If you like our podcast and sign up for our newsletter, where we give you weekly tips on how to run your best race and have fun in the process, just go to RaceMob dot com and sign up today. That's incredible. Yeah. There's such a difference between the half marathon distance and the marathon distance. It really is incredible. How much training you do actually need to put into it, how much your body really will resist you in terms of, you know, those the last six miles, the last, you know, that they say that last 10 Ks is so tough and it's been true every time I've run a marathon, which has not been all that frequently. Not all that often. The training that you need to put into it you know, the final distance, it really is, it is difficult and it's difficult to do without having a coach or having a community or having people to bounce ideas off of the more that we can help people with their first marathon, that first distance in, and even, you know, the shorter distances, the first 10 K the first half marathon, the most, the more we can provide some coaching advice for those first timers. I think, I think the better. So that's fantastic

Bertrand Newson:

Yeah, I mean, you, you said it perfectly. We are here to help. There's a lot of experience in the RaceMob community. And I love the fact that we are a community of different fitness levels. We can have people who are primarily hikers and trail enthusiast that have very valuable knowledge that are. It's by asking questions and open forums and getting timely feedback and maybe being able to, depending on local location, being, get out and participate shoulder to shoulder with somebody. And I'm glad to kind of be. Because one of the notes that I wanted to share with our community here is as much as we're talking about big city marathons, LA marathon, people were just running Chicago. This past Sunday was the New York marathon. There are a lot of smaller events that are super cool that are happening or in their inaugural stage, like the Santa Barbara half marathon, our friends at run local. And there are a lot of smaller like trail events. Maybe not as expensive as your typical road race and you can get good value, smaller nature and trail marathons, half marathons 10 Ks they're a little bit. Are they easier on the. The terrain is softer. So maybe it doesn't beat you up as much, but the hill climbing is a great training tool. It's going to serve you well for your road racing. And it's less stress in trail running, even though there are more Hills, but it's less stressful in a road race, you feel like, okay, as soon as the, the horn goes off, or the gun goes off, that you have to run the whole. Certainly you can, if you need to take a walk break, bathroom, break, walk the aid stations, or if you can go run without stopping from start to finish. That's great. But in a trail race, you have. The beauty of mother nature and you can get lost on the course in a good, in the right way, meaning in your thoughts and get a really good workout and it's a little less intimidating versus signing up for a road race. So again, food for thought. And from a price standpoint, they're just a little cheaper and I'm considering a half marathon this weekend because of buddy said, Hey coach, what are you up to? I'm going to be running in this location. I looked at the price and like, oh, that's, that's, that's a pretty good deal. And to get in a quality. Low pressure with maybe 2000 feet of elevation gain that I don't feel like I have to run every step. You know, it's a little bit more appealing, so it's going to be a beautiful day and get some good pictures in the process.

Kevin Chang:

That's incredible. Yeah. And for those of you running your first trail race just make sure that you're not comparing those times with your road, race times, you know, your 5k trail race time is not going to be equal to your 5k road, race time. Don't don't try to keep it. In that regard is because yeah, those Hills, it was just the training in general. It'll slow you down. It will add a significant amount of time to your, you know, times and each trail is different too. Right? Each trail has different elevation, different challenges, different everything. And so, you know, even when we talk to elite athletes, like like Verdi, Brene, right. She, she's not comparing her 5k trail race with a road times, obviously, and she's not comparing, you know, one trail to another trail, to another trail. So just be mindful of the trail that you're running and that day end take it in. Enjoy. Enjoy. There

Bertrand Newson:

are some great trail operators here in the bay area. Shout out to Sam and his team with brazen great pro post race snacks, a whimsical, super cool metals and cool courses that challenge you, but fantastic support. And our friend coach. With a Sasquatch racing super creative running events, trail trail based in nature. Super cool metals. We're big fans of both those those individuals and their running series. So they've done a lot of good work here in the bay. Absolutely

Kevin Chang:

absolutely coach you, you mentioned that you may be running a race here this weekend which races it. And are there others that you're considering here in November, December others, that our audience would be interested in finding out more about?

Bertrand Newson:

Yes, it's a actually, that's a very good, so yes, I am leaning towards an event on Saturday. The let's see Saturday, the. 13th. And let me see if I can pull up that information. I know you're going to ask for that Casey that, that that this is Stevens Creek reservoir. Let's see. And we'll, we'll post the, you know, we'll post a registered link. Come on out. Now I'm going to say, I am. That's where I will be. That was a scheduled conflict that we were, cause we had a podcast. We were looking at books. So that's, that's what I was committed to. So Stevens Creek reservoir Cupertino, California, half marathon and attendance.

Start time 9:

00 AM Pacific time. So if you see coach out there, the orange, RaceMob a headband. Come on out. Let's have some fun, we'll get some photos together. Any advice pre-race during the race, if you want to run with myself in a Jimmy. I'll be out there with Jimmy Mo most, most likely. And what else does Coach have in front of him between now and the end of the year? California international marathon, C I M on December 5th, myself and many members of the RaceMob and two legit fitness family. We'll be out there. That's an annual event. We typically have 15, 20, 25 individuals out there this year. Have people participating in the marathon. Really? It's a two person. Relay team, what someone will do the first half, 13.1 and another team member will do the second half. I don't know if we have anyone doing their very first marathon, this go around. But we have a Naya one of our youth athletes who will be running for a very first half marathon. So it's great to see just the. If someone loving running and you know, that first lap or two at hammer time working their way, trying, struggling to get that first lap in, but to get to the point to now four or five months later and competing, participating in it, their very first half marathon is a pretty cool.

Kevin Chang:

And we know that there are a couple of other events that people should mark on their calendar, be aware of. Taji, I think registration is opening here in December. And there's another retreat I think that, that you had mentioned to me. Oh

Bertrand Newson:

yes, yes. Going to Texas in February Taji month. And I've been very fortunate to be asked to participate as an instructor at a. Four day long running retreat in Austin, Austin, Texas with endeavor run, they have, they're very let's see their first one earlier this year in August in Boulder, Colorado area that you're very, very familiar with. So I'm very fortunate. Ironically that same weekend is the Austin half marathon and marathon. So several of the participants, myself included, I believe Rebecca Hernandez will be participating in the Austin marathon as well. There are a couple of our team members and clients that are considering making that Trek actually going to the retreat. We have a $200 promo code that we'll be sharing as well. Jake tuber, the founder. Endeavor run will be a future. RaceMob podcast guests. I will be recording that this week and it looks like on Sunday and more to come on that very, very excited and they have other running or triathlon retreats, last training camps. That's something that you and I've talked about as well, Casey. So I would not be surprised perhaps the second half of next year. Running retreats training camps, maybe it's a two day weekend bay area based. Yeah, but.

Kevin Chang:

That sounds. That sounds incredible. That sounds incredible. So mark it on your calendar calendars guys. I'm sure we'll, we'll remind you throughout, but Taji 100 registration kicks off this December, December 1st. That again is a challenge to run a hundred miles. Proceeds are going to let me go

Bertrand Newson:

to our web

Kevin Chang:

team. RWB that's right. First, these are going to team RWB. You know, and you guys have done such a tremendous job. Yeah, with that event

Bertrand Newson:

metal it's super cool to slag is on point. The shirts are wow. Let's say the shirts are, are different than prior years. The metal is as cool as it's ever been in, in stock shirts arriving very soon. And as you mentioned registration officially opens on December. Yeah.

Kevin Chang:

Yeah. I'm registered early. I mean, I think, you know, past years usually things sell out. So, you know, as far as gear and your insurance and everything. So if you want to reserve your shirt early, if you want to reserve your gear early, please sign up. It's just such a tremendous amount of fun and all the proceeds. I mean, a hundred percent of that revenue. Those two team RWB. So it really is for a great cause. A great charity. All of these people volunteer and do this out of love for the event, for the charity, for the event and for the participants, really, you guys put on such a fantastic event. So a lot of amazing things coming up.

Bertrand Newson:

Yeah.$101,000 given to, wow. That is you. You give the, the admin team, a pat on the back. It is really all about the participants and Kevin you've been someone who's given the leadership team, some advice on how to optimize our technical aspects of the operation enhancing the website. So we really appreciate your contributions as well. It certainly takes a. Well,

Kevin Chang:

you guys are incredible and then yeah, it wouldn't do it wouldn't happen without our community you know, the collective community out there the running community really supporting, so kudos to everybody out there. All right. We want to give some shout outs. Definitely. I mean, I think, you know, it's been a little bit since we've had one of these recap events since we jumped on to a recording itself. So I know that. Of our members have hit new PRS. Recently, a lot of our new members have hit new distances. So Coach, can you give a a recap of what has happened?

Bertrand Newson:

I can let's see here, Santa Barbara, half marathon, I mean a new course new event that had lots of hits. And our crew went down there and crushed it. Allen. Let's see, he said a half marathon PR a couple of weeks ago in San Diego. But follow that up with a 2 0 1 half marathon finished saving off nearly. Previous best arena, our resident physical therapist, she saved nearly five minutes and broke the one 50 barrier for the first time. So congratulations arena, Gloria. Again, a five minute PR from the half marathon running just around 1 46 in chain. Ran, let's see, 2 0 7 and change about it. We're not talking about just barely edging out a personal best to have a one minute PR is significant, but 3, 4, 5 minute PR that just doesn't happen, especially on a hilly course. So great.

Kevin Chang:

I mean putting in the work you know, beforehand and those interval trainings, you know, the speed, the track workouts, the long workouts, all of it is really, really paying off. So congratulations to all of you guys for sending those PRS.

Bertrand Newson:

Thank you. Thank you. And back to the airline. Based on Michelle completing her first, Rebecca, her 39th, Maria, her 30th plus overall marathon, Randy Angelina. We call him the goat cause he's in his high school, his hall of fame, Becka Patel 20 plus it's Michelle Bierman with our friends with bark, a burial and crew. Marathon. So great work team, lots of work to all participants and a great

Kevin Chang:

close out 20 and coach your, your 60th marathon. I see, I see here on the notes, your 60th marathon,

Bertrand Newson:

not about, but thank you. Thank you. One race at a time. So yes good time overall.

Kevin Chang:

Fantastic. Fantastic. Well, I know that we're going to have plenty of more recordings here. A couple more guests come in. I got baby on the way. So we may a, front-load a couple of the next episodes and have some reportings to up through the end of the year. There is Just so thankful to be able to spend time with you, catch up with you. And I know we do this on a regular basis, so, so happy to pull back the curtain a little bit, bring our audience in behind the scenes to some of these conversations as we catch up, as we find out what's on the calendar, what people are working on and some incredible PR is coming up. So thanks so much Coach for joining me today and, and being able to chat. This has been great. Well, I hope you enjoyed this episode of the RaceMob podcast. Check out all of the show notes or find a running buddy online at RaceMob dot com. Please subscribe to us on apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your podcasts and leave us a review until next time. Keep on moving.