RaceMob - Running Together Podcast

RaceMob Catch Up with Kevin Chang and Bertrand Newson

Kevin Chang, Bertrand Newson Episode 89

#89 - Kevin and Bertrand got together to give us an update on what is going on with the community, the Coaches of Color Initiative, all of our friends out there crushing PRs, and what is coming in the following weeks.

Right on, Hey coach, how's it going, man? It's been a little while since we last. It has been a while, man. It's it's going great. As we were talking about before we press the record button, life is busy, but life is good and it's so wonderful to be able to catch up and share some of the happenings with RaceMob and our running community. And with both of us. Yeah. Yeah. We often talk about this when we jump on a pod and we just catch up offline that, you know, we should just hit the record button and let people behind the scenes a little bit, cuz it is just fun to. How life is. And I know that you've been extremely busy at the last couple of weeks, traveling across the country, running marathons. You know, give us, give us a bit of an update. Since last time we talked to you. Well busy is all relative. I mean, we can, you you're. Busy, you know we're running, working, taking care of family, all those wonderful things. But yes, let's see July marathon this past Sunday, which is really cool. it go? I know you were, you were gunning for PRs. You were gunning for in a way, we are not making this conversation about Coach "B". We are talking about the family of RaceMob runners and two legit fitness runners, just our running community in general. We're at several people running the half marathon full marathon, and the ultra-marathon start off with Jose Hipolito one of our athletes he's joined up maybe four or five months ago. He'd run half marathons marathons before in the past, he was dealing with some injury history before he came to us. But this kid has a fantastic worth ethic. He has a very good social media fallen because he carries his GoPro and he films most of his runs, which is really cool, great storyteller. And. Maybe two and a half months ago, like, Hey coach, what are your thoughts about San Francisco marathon? I'm like, oh man, what's your fitness level. No problem. But he is like, no, I wanna do the ultra. And I knew exactly what he was talking about. I'm like, okay, then we need to pick up the telephone and, and talk and really look at his long run, build up. So we went ahead and It wasn't just training for a marathon. It was training for back to back marathons. One starting at 11 PM. And the second one starting at 5:30 AM the following day. So we had to have training that mimicked what he was gonna encounter on race day. So we put together some double days where he is running afternoon and evening where he is running with sleep deprivation running in some, he did a 2020, so running, you know Late morning or mid-afternoon 20 plus miles. And he came back and ran after midnight and to a T he powered through the workouts. Didn't do too much and was mindful of conversation, pace. So was able to handle the training load, looking at the 80 20 endurance training principles, which helped him, I believe. Handle the load and give him enough rest so he can be fresh enough because just looking at the training itself, the total volume, would he have enough recovery time to be fresh and tow lines in San Francisco? Knowing, again, we're not talking about a pancake flat course. We're talking about San Francisco with upwards of 4,000 feet of elevation. Coupled with back to back marathons, sleep deprivation. But he was able to get through the training and anything that we anticipate might happen on the course, we tried it as best as possible with nutrition, hydration and couldn't be prouder of the kids. So congratulations, Jose, we had several people who completed the marathon course. We'll talk. Hi Lopez and his cousin, Miguel up from Fresno, they got into town the day before on Saturday, saw them at the post expo. We had dinner with them, which was really cool, but his brother-in-law Miguel had participated in the LA marathon, his first marathon in March of this year. And he finished. And he probably felt that he could have trained a little bit more because he wasn't happy with just finishing a marathon. So he sought out San Francisco. He told Haime one of our athletes that we're gonna do this race. So the brother-in-law trained on his own. And I was asking those questions, cuz our Hiate is training for the California international Ironman in October and he's he's in marathon shape. And you know, I, I just wanted to know did his brother-in-law put in enough work to get him to the finish line quicker than LA cuz LA is a tough course. San Francisco probably tougher, but I guess, no, but he finished with almost a 30 minute PR. Wow. was good to see that Jaime paying it forward and running shoulder to shoulder with his brother-in-law super cool. Another one of our podcast, guests, Rebecca ran a course PR by 10 minutes. So super cool. As she's on her quest to possibly go for a BQ effort at CIM. Later this year in December we had several team members participate in the half marathon. We'll talk about coach arena who had nearly. 30 minute, half marathon pier. Now it's been awhile since she's run that distance, but just her fitness level has improved. And she's a marathoner right now. She's in the midst of training for Chicago in October and cm with the effort, with the intent on B Qing in the next. Year or so, so she's really on a mission. Joanne, who was five days post, COVID let's see. Kenneth who's visually impaired. I want our audience to really think about that. It's one thing to run. It's another thing to run and be visually impaired, especially running a, a half marathon course or marathon course in San Francisco or anywhere else for that matter. Just hats off Kenny, for his determination. He was an athlete who was dealing with some injuries to kick off the year. He listened to his body. He took upwards of a month and a half off to really heal and let the body reset when you do that, it comes with a little bit. The anxiety, how much cardio and aerobic capacity did he lose and then gradually rebuilding it back. But realizing that he didn't lose as much as he thought, but most importantly, he was healthier, so he could pick up the training and then exponentially his cardio came back and he's now he made a good choice as he was signed up for the Marine. Marathon in October, but his bigger goal is to BQ and as a visually impaired athlete, he needs to run under five hours. So with Marine Corps happening October in CIM in December, we made the decision. What's more important. To experience a marathon or a nation's capital, or did he wanna BEQ? He's like Coach "B" I wanna BQ. So I'm gonna go ahead and table deferred to 2023 for Marine Corps and all, you know, all in for cm. So we're helping along his, helping him along his training journey. It's really cool. As teammates, teammates will step up and be a guide runner for some of his training. And he also belongs to an organization called Achilles where they provide race day guide runners as well. Kenneth recently hiked over 10 miles in Yosemite and swam a good portion in lake Tahoe. So again, if you're looking for sources of motivation and inspiration, you don't have to go too far. And I'm sure some of these stories will be revisited in future podcasts or town hall, Q and as, but you know, a lot of us from the midst of training and training during this time of the year and warmer temperatures, some cases in humidity and all that good stuff we ask ourselves. And to hear stories like that gives us some perspective to keep on pushing on. So you know, those are just some Signed up for the goofy challenge too yes. Now what, what, what is that? What is that goofy challenge? Casey share with our, our listeners, that's something a lot of people strive to do. It's it's down in Disney world Disney world marathon, but it's. A 5k, a 10 K a half marathon, a full marathon, I think back to back to back to back days. So, you know, and, and I think the metals get more and more ridiculous. I think they, they get, they get bigger and bigger as you go. So, I mean, kudos to Kenny, really. I mean, I think he's putting in so much effort, so much work he's, he's crushing it out there. So that is that's fantastic. Yes. And speaking of crushing, one of the podcasts we recently recorded with one of our athletes, Ingrid Christensen this is the individual who has been running every single day for like 800 plus days. E., you know someone who's lost, you know, at one point weighed over 300 pounds ran her first marathon in let's see here August of last year and is now five marathons in, I was very fortunate as we discussed on the podcast, which will be released in the coming weeks. Big Sur marathon with her, which was really cool, really enjoyed that experience. The course was challenging and very scenic, but running with. And you get to know somebody very well on a marathon in many ways. And she shared some wonderful, inspiring life stories. And we're all rooting for her. So stay tuned for her podcast releasing in the next in August. Yeah, so cool. And what an incredible story and what a just bubbly, incredible personality really have gotten to know Ingrid over the last couple of races and, you know, some, two legit events and, and just fantastic personality overall. And I. Note, she's actually the one pacing Kenneth in, Disney world, in Disney world. So again, paying it forward, paying it forward, which is incredible. You know, Ingrid and which will be shared on the podcast. We can go in and say that now, you know, she's hearing impaired, you know, so you, you can never take circumstances for, for granted and just appreciate people that have a little bit more to, to, to work on but still embracing their love of health and wellness. and not making any excuses and putting their best foot forward. So hats off to Kenneth and Ingrid. Speaking of personality. Coach Adam Duran. I mean this dude, I mean, you, you saw him, we both saw him at the stars and strides race. The first week of, of this month in July, when this that we're recording this, the, the last, last part of July. Yeah. What does that dude have, have going on and what can our listeners look forward to at some point? Yeah, coach Adam is on the. Yeah. Yeah. Well he's definitely, you know, last time we added he's, he's got his book. He's been working on this book for a while. I know he is working on it last year. He is been talking about it. And just, you know, we call him Mr. Motivation, because that is exactly what he is. He is a motivational speaker. He motivates everybody that chats with him. I mean, this guy is fantastic. His book, I mean, he reads basically. Nonstop night and day. And so live life on purpose. I mean the Adam Durant's book just such an incredible read go out there, get it. We've been talking behind the scenes about potentially helping him out with the audio book portion. So, you know, right now available on paperback go get it, go get it. Buzzing on Amazon, saw him yesterday at the community, run with our friends at Lululemon. He led one of the the pace groups full of energy. What did I say? Like verbal caffeine, right? This dude is on fire. So positive. Yeah. So freaking positive. So motivat. And very humble. Looks like he has some Ted talks being lined up has a publicist and, you know, he could be on the motivational speaker circuit locally and potentially nationally he's, he's trending that way. So one of our own homegrown east side, San Jose. Law enforcement of nearly 30 years, avid runner Boston marathon finisher, and an overall good dude. That is just out there spreading a ton of positivity. And yeah, we, we look forward to podcast number two for him, for sure. Speaking about being on the circuit coach. And, and don't, let me let you off the hook with the San Francisco marathon, I do want to. How you did, I know you were gunning for it. But you've also been traveling quite a bit behind the scenes. You got some things lined up in the coming weeks as well. I mean, you know, let our audience in on, on what's going on behind the scenes and what happened on San F at the San Francisco marathon for you? All right. Let, since we, you, you kind of lit that cat out of the bag. I ran the San Francisco marathon this past Sunday marathon number 66. I went into that race with no expectation. In fact, I was probably leaning into downgrading to the half marathon. Reason being. I was flying back from North Carolina. We'll talk a little bit more about that trip with our friends. Something, a project with our friends at 80 20 endurance. I got in, let's see very late Friday morning, technically

around 1:

00 AM on Saturday. And at the expo. I said, I'm gonna make the decision there. And I knew that the legs didn't feel too tired. The time zone change, I think worked in my favor and again, by having really no expectations other than kind of getting to the finish line it took off that pressure that sometimes we put in ourselves, I didn't make a big proclamation. I'm gonna shoot for a BQ. I'm going to try to course PR I just kind of kept it to myself and figure I would run based on field. I was in corral B started off with Rebecca. She did, she was, was going for a course PR and I figured I would just run. And maybe get to the halfway point and reassess, and I felt good at the halfway point and managed a 10 minute course PR so proud of that didn't necessarily wake up thinking that was gonna happen, but it was nice, a nice takeaway, but seeing all those other runners cross the finish line, perfect running weather, love San Francisco. It was my first marathon in 2012. I worked in that city. 15 years off and on. So it has a very special place in my heart. And I couldn't have asked for a better start middle and end to that day. Mostly because of how everyone else just was grateful. Being able to run, go back a year ago. Yeah. Okay. Live races. Weren't happening. San Francisco marathon didn't happen in July of last year. It happened in September, but there were no live races happening in Newark Northern California a year ago. And now they've become the norm. I had, I, you know, in my social media post sharing about my San Francisco marathon experience, it was mostly about, Hey team kind of pumped the brakes. Take a time to reflect and remember what was happening or not happening a year ago. Yes, we are still dealing with COVID. Yes. There's been a spike. Yes. There are a lot of our members of our community that have navigated or dealing with, or on the other side of COVID everyone please be safe and, you know, we highly suggest getting boosted and backed up. And all that other necessary stuff. So we can still have our freedoms like we do right now and be healthy. But yeah, a year ago was a much different. In, in regards to endurance sports. And now, you know, we are putting races on our calendar, you know, every other weekend and rooting people onto personal milestones. People utilizing our website and search engine to find their races. Maybe you can speak to that a little bit more. I know we've touched on it before in the past, but it's really good to see people out there. Having fantastic. Experiences pre-race during the race and post race and looking forward to like the San Jose rock and roll half marathon that we're involved in. And a big group of us looking to close out the year in Sacramento, California international marathon. So we'll be hearing more about those particular events as they're kind of marque events that people have been training for in the fourth quarter to end the. Incredible. Incredible and congrats on a 10 minute PD on that course. I mean, difficult course begin with, I know you run. Pretty much every year. So, you know, we're not saying like, Hey, this is a 10 minutes from, you know, from, from 10 years ago, this is, this is, you are in shape. You are in shape. My friends every time I, I see you, I'm, I'm impressed. I'm impressed. I'm going the opposite way. I need to, to pull it back. I need to bring it back You ran a race to start off this, this, this, this month, you know, stars and strides you were out there, you you you're crushing it. You're crushing it. And kudos, kudos to you. All right. Let's let's hear, where have you been traveling to? I mean, Yeah, I was in North Carolina, Charlotte, North Carolina, my first time really ex experiencing that city. I was there on invite in request of 80, 20 endurance. There in the midst of rolling out a coaching certification that has been highly sought after domestically and internationally. So I was asked to come out. Film part of the curriculum and speak from a coach's voice. And I was there with a couple of other coaches, so it was a wonderful opportunity for me to network more importantly, to listen and so up. So much knowledge and information nuggets and, and coaching examples and philosophies and strategies and what has worked, what isn't worked, the latest and greatest methodology as it relates to 80, 20 endurance and other. So it was a wonderful experience. You. That me being behind the camera is not always it's it's, it's a doesn't come natural for me. That may surprise them cuz I love the talk, but I love to talk about other people's journeys. Share other people's journeys. This here. I'm fine with, but when I'm the focal point sometimes I just need. Take a deep breath and that I'm speaking from a point of personal experience athlete experience my own personal experience as a runner that if you don't know it all, it's okay. There's opportunity to. To learn and I learned a lot and I felt very grateful to be part of that unique experience. And that city is wonderful from a culinary standpoint from a cultural standpoint the Southern hospitality is on point in, in Charlotte, the food I did get my barbecue fix and peach cobbler and apple cobbler fix for was gonna ask. I was Yes, I did. I did. I knew I was car loading, no, yeah, yeah, yeah. A marathon coming up. so, thank you, Matt Fitzgerald. Thanks. To one of our fellow coaches of color initiative board members Angelina Ramos was wonderful to meet her in person. What a wealth. Of knowledge passionate. This is somebody who ran competitively at Florida state and is now the, as the head coach at ball, state university cross country and track and field a woman of color and is doing wonderful things. If you have, if you haven't. You aren't following the coaches of color, Instagram handle. There's a lot of really cool content. And there was a Instagram live this evening where she had a coach on there. Who's doing some really cool stuff. So and I just left there. With a lot more knowledge that I feel that our athletes, our community will benefit from and being able to have some of those people that I met come on potentially in a podcast or a town hall, Q and a and anytime we can look at ways to keep our athletes engaged keep them healthy by being mindful of the training. If there are ways that we can help them recover quicker if there are ways we can help them with mindset that's, that's good for everybody. So I, I left with some, some added things for our, Biggest takeaways, biggest takeaways from, from those days. What, what were some of, some of your favorites? Let's see here. One would be. There's so much focus on intensity and consistency. We, we need consistency. Intensity is relevant, but in doses, but the emphasis on rest and recovery, where that can be a game changer on the collegiate level, on the competitive high school level and on the pro level. And where conversation pace runs even with the PRs, that that is a constant and with the everyday runner, the blue collar runner, sometimes we get caught in, am I running fast enough? When can I push looking pace based in higher intensity based in PR drive drive, push, push, push, push, push. Again, falling back on the 80 20 endurance principles where 80% of the effort, the volume is at lower intensity pace versus where most runners are in this middle space zone right here, the moderate zone, the gray zone that, that formula really works. And even with, let's see in, in speaking with coach Angelina Even at the competitive collegiate level athletes still are dealing with confidence issues from time to time. So a coach's role is not always in the X's and O's sometimes you, we can play the role of a life coach and helping keep the athlete supported. Balancing priorities and staying motivated that that can have a positive impact on the overall training. So those are some, some takeaways or validation. Cause I feel we do some of that. Well right now Incredible. Very, very fun. I mean, and, and talk to our audience. Where are you going next? And I know you got a trip lined up next week as well. yes. For those of you who listen to. The bowl, the let's see Austin, Austin endeavor, run podcast. The next leg of that training cap is going to be where you spent some time in Colorado. You grew up in Colorado. You went to school in Boulder, correct? right. That's Yeah. So Boulder Boulder, Colorado endeavor run 2022. The. Let's see the fourth through the seventh. I'll be there. The third through the eighth 40 plus athlete and coaches. We have some people who participated in the us trials participated in the world trials people who are former Olympians. So again, as a, as an. I'm going there. And just as a, like a kid in a candy store seeing people that I followed and being able to have one-on-one conversations with runners that live, you know in other parts of the United States that are just coming there to get a different perspective maybe to rediscover their inner athlete maybe looking to level up and. Have those milestone breakthroughs as it relates to the half marathon marathon and stay injury free. I mean, all of us are not. You know, we're not in, in grade school, you know, we, we have some life experience and we can still be the healthiest versions of ourselves in our twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties. And when I was in Austin, we had a wide range of all fitness levels and age levels there. Ranging from. Let's see late teens into late sixties and they're all out there crushing it. So, and there'll be some people who will be coming back and our own Ingrid will be making the Trek as well. So really looking forward to it next week, hard to believe that it'll it's it's it's here and you'll see me wearing the endeavor on Austin shirt right now. Cool and comfortable by Tracksmith. So name dropping there. Well, I hope you like Boulder. You know, Colorado is such a beautiful state should be a lot of fun. I'm sure you'll go on tons of trail runs. It's it's beautiful out there. Yeah, the high, the elevation. How long, you know, could you live there and you've been back. How long does it take to acclimate? yeah. I don't think you'll acclimate during the time. Well, you, you might. I mean, just, you just gotta take it a little bit slower. I mean, Right? Mm-hmm that's just how it is, you know, the lungs burn a little bit different. It's, it's both the altitude and the dry air. I mean, I think it's just because it's so dry, you know, just not as humid, you'll feel it, your lungs will start burning. You will start feeling it. I mean, you're in great shape. You'll do fine. Yeah. I'm not worried about And you, you mentioned traveling. I, I do wanna shut out another one of our athletes. Nicole. Who earlier this month traveled to the great state of Minnesota to complete her 52nd marathon as part of her all 50 states. And I think she's approaching at 18, 19 different states, but yeah, shout out to her. She's she's crushing it. So that's incredible. Yeah. Yeah. I know that there are a number of, of two legit folks. There's a number of people that are going for 50 states. I talked to Patrick the other day and he's, he's trying to do the a half in, in all 50 states. So yeah, I know tons of you to tons of people working towards that goal, which is fantastic. And you've been paying it forward. You have as a board member for the coaches of color initiative why don't you share with our listeners how this particular month July has been very important and poignant for you in mentoring somebody. Well, well, yeah, I mean, I think you know, one of the, the best parts about being a board member on the coast of color initiative is to actually be able to mentor our award recipient. Right? So Jessica. Has she, she was our grantee back in December. And this was my month to check in, see how she's doing answer questions help her with her business, help it get off the ground and, and get started. And I think as we've talked about before, right, I, I see myself as a coach of coaches maybe, or a coach of people trying to start small businesses and not necessarily, you know, an. Coach myself, but, but how can I help? How can I help with the technology side? How can I help set the business up? How can I help them think a little bit about the future and what's coming. So been a fantastic month. I think we've really talked through, you know, the ins and outs of her business. What's working well for her. She's coaching 20 some athletes, which is fantastic. Wow. yeah. And, and has a great process by which it communicates them with them through, you know, Google spreadsheets and really interested to, to learn more about, you know, what's that back and forth look like. How do you, you know, plan for additional you know, training runs, how do you kind of consolidate and, and make sure that you can see everything all in one place. And and then also how. Start thinking about, you know, growing and expanding the business beyond one-on-one coaching something you and I coach have, have talked numerous times about, right? It's the, how do you create content that can help more and more people? How can you help, you know how, how can you help take all the questions, all the learnings, all the other things that each of your athletes has been gathering during their one-on-one time with you and help create content that can help, you know, more and more people. A lot of fun across the board. And I think a lot of things that we, we will take back into the RaceMob coaching business as well. So offline, I'll talk to you, coach. We've got a number of things working behind the scenes in the coaching business. So I think a lot of, lot of fun things to come on to come in the next months. So, I mean, I. Fun in both ways. Right. I think fun. And, and we've showed her, you know, a little bit of what we're doing, how we get people onto the website, how we're thinking about quizzes and funnels and those things. And then she's shown us, you know, a little bit about, about what she's looking at as a coach. So really, really fun, fun month altogether. Yeah. Good stuff. Speaking of sharing and meaningful, relevant content we've had some additions to our blog. So if you have the op opportunity team to go. Our website RaceMob dot com and look on the bottom half of the panel. And we have some really good blogs informative. A lot of the questions that we get on a regular basis, some of them will be answered in those blogs and will have the opportunity to gauge with me and some of our other partners in helping you get questions answered that are impacting your health and wellness journey. Yeah. And in kudos to you you know, for, for taking time writing content, I think you've been working with Gabrielle behind the scenes as well to make sure that these things are, are posted and, and. Online, but I mean, you guys have, have really taken all this knowledge, all this institutional knowledge from, you know, over a decade of, of running and helped put pen to paper and make that available. So really, really awesome stuff guys. I mean, I think fantastic. And, and hopefully it's helping more and more people as we, as we go along. Yeah, Thank you. Thank you. Time is flying by man. I mean just to, to, to share a milestone something we're very proud of is that in the last week or so it was the fourth. Year, anniversary of hammer time, our weekly speed workout that happens Wednesdays early morning. And you know, we've had you know, at least as many as seven people as, and as much as 30 plus out there, every single. Through the pandemic. We took a bit of a break at the peak of the pandemic. But it's been wonderful and we're seeing new faces every week, which is really cool and thanks to our community members that feel that we're providing meaningful, relevant, engaging Training workouts that are helping you with your fitness. And we will look to do a better job of sharing some of those workouts. You know, typically we're posting on social media, the bit of a recap. So if anyone wants to know what we're doing, where you can mimic some of those workouts, please feel free to follow the RaceMob and or to legit Instagram handle. And there'll may be a time when we will have a little bit more video content and maybe share those workouts in advance. So we've done that before in the past and just let us know how we can best help you guys. You know, we have a lot of workouts. We have training plans available on our website where that are self navigated, or if we're looking for an accountability coach where we can help you doesn't mean you need to, you know, retain us as your, your coach. Those services are available. But there's a lot of advice that we're happy to give you, just because your help and wellness your success on the trail, on the track on the road is our success. So we want to be there for you and we're our ambassador team will be rolled out. You know, we're still working behind the scenes, we're swag designs. We're seeing some really, really cool stuff. And we'll be making some announcements here in regards to our ambassador team as we. Helping other organizations with their ambassador needs as well. So some really cool stuff we'd like to shout out Luke and his wife, Julie, on the birth of their second baby girl. So congratulations to our team you know, friends with bay area run crew the founder and lead person. So congratulations, Luke. incredible. Incredible. Yeah. And, and as Bertrand alluded to. A lot, a lot, a lot of work behind the scenes. You know, I, I don't wanna divulge too much and get people too excited, but, but one of the things, as you mentioned, we are looking to field an ambassador team. I think, you know, RaceMob too legit as well was founded on this principle of the more friends that you can have on race day, the better, right? How can we make that race day experience, more fun, more personal just, just overall seeing friendly faces there. And so, you know, I think that, that if we think back to our first races and, and going to the start line and not really knowing anybody and, you know, being a little bit, Tim. That's kind of what we want to help solve. So looking for people who, you know, are, are willing to be that friendly face on race day are willing to, you know, be kind of that beacon and, and meet new people and say, hi you know, build those relationships with race directors and and, and let them know, you know, what we're about. And, and in return, I think, you know, lots of. Lots of, you know, gear that we can give you know, free race entries and, and other things that we can, we can work towards. So if you're interested at all, just reach out directly Bertrand RaceMob dot com, Kevin RaceMob dot com. I mean, we're looking for interested parties to, to come in and say, yeah you know, let me, let me figure out how I can help out. And and, and let's build this thing together. So I think a lot of fun to be. Yeah, well said, brother, well said KC and let us know what type of content you'd like to see from us. Is it more podcast? Our YouTube channel more blogs town hall, Q and a us sharing what races that we're gonna be at, or our marque races, preferred races, things along those lines where we can do it. You know, making sure we're getting you any promo codes. We've been able to Gar. All those things with lots of things happening. And some, we, we can't all share right now, you know, Awesome. Awesome. Well with that, I think let's sign off coach. Let's let's let people let let's say goodbye to people, let them wanting more. And and hopefully in the next couple weeks, let's jump back on, let people know of, of some of the exciting news that's that's about to launch. So thank you so much, coach really appreciate you being on this podcast and and I'll catch all of you guys real. yeah. Great job. Looking forward to yeah. More milestones team. Lots of work. You guys are working hard. So giving you lots of props, rest is important. Sleep is important. Hydration nutrition. All those things are key components. As much as we focus on the, the actual workouts themselves getting in the volume, that other stuff is just as important. So you keep doing those basics and again, if we can help you in some way, let us know, you know, reach out and we'll certainly make ourselves available until next time team keep on running.