RaceMob - Running Together Podcast

RaceMob What's On Deck for 2022

Kevin Chang, Bertrand Newson Episode 85

#85 - In this episode, Coach Bertrand Newson shares some exciting happenings with what's on deck in the coming weeks and months for RaceMob. 

Hello and welcome to the race mob podcast. This is episode number 85. I'm Bertrend head coach of race, mob, and founder of two legit fitness. And I'm joined by my good friend, Kevin. Entrepreneur technology and fitness nerd, and founder of race mob. In this episode, I'll share some exciting happenings with what's on deck in the coming weeks and months for race mob. Get your popcorn ready as there'll be plenty of fun on the run. Let's take a moment and briefly reflect back on the past two years and the impact of COVID-19 had on our fitness community. The devastating loss of life, which is very close to home for many members of our fitness family. The feeling of isolation, depression, and especially the impact on our youth and elder population In 2020 the vast majority of life fitness events were canceled or postponed, including the summer Olympics. We saw many creative virtual events, but there's nothing like the real thing with live races. In 2021, we saw the rollout of vaccines and live racist started to come back, including the summer Olympics in Japan, albeit without spectators. And here we are today. In 2022, feeling a bit back to normal with their kids back in the classroom. And small and large city-wide running events currently happening. So that brings us to what's on deck for race mob in the coming weeks and months ahead. Our founder, Kevin and his lovely wife, are new parents have a precious daughter, Gemma. And I couldn't be happier for them. I'm very excited that my dear friend Kevin will be back joining me on the airwaves as we cannot wait to share more wonderful podcast topics with engaging guest, inspiring content and expert panelists, all benefiting your fitness journey. One of our key focuses will be dedicating time to share stories of the everyday athlete, the blue collar athlete, mother runners, and everyday superheroes. Stay tuned for incredibly inspiring stories, such as Ingrid Christiansen, who picked up running later in life weighing nearly 300 pounds and now half that body weight. She ran her first marathon in August of last year and is in the midst of a 700 day running streak nearly two years. Or another inspiring story. Jackie Torres, a mother of two. Who battled injury most of last year, and work very hard to qualify for the Boston marathon to close out 2021 , which our eldest son, Andres, who she trained with, completed his very first marathon, nothing like family fitness. Race mob will be traveling by road and by plane across the United States and taking you along for the journey. We'll be previewing races along with some fun post-race recaps. And we'd love to hear your race stories. Very happy to share that I'll be traveling to Austin in the next 24 hours and participating in the Austin endeavor, run a five day retreat. Where we have upwards of 25 plus participants coming in from all across the United States. I'll be there with fellow accomplished, running coaches, helping these participants learn more about their running journey. Level up and several of them will be participating in the austin marathon and half marathon that weekend on sunday the 20th. Best of luck to Lynn, who's running the half marathon, Rebecca running the full marathon. And you vet who's running the half marathon. And finally yours truly running the marathon we'll be adding more video content via our YouTube channel and Instagram. We'll be launching our mob squad ambassador program. And stay tuned for open enrollment to submit your application as there'll be some really cool perks and swag. And you'll play a direct role in connecting our running community from coast to coast. Race model will be the best way to help locate your races with our event search engine. As you look to chase down future PRs. We're in the midst of a beta test and you'll be able in the near future to search the website and find races that work best for you. As always, we want to celebrate you. And help level up your fitness or training tips and tools, industry experts to help you on your way. If you're seeking a training plan, running coach or consultation, please reach out to us. We appreciate your support and please let us know what topics interest you so we can expand in future RaceMob episodes. Visit us@racemob.com for more tips and great resources to again,, level up your fitness. Until next time, keep on running.